You are amazing.

Super successful.

A master juggler.

Perhaps your stress and anxiety levels feel different?

Maybe you are noticing changes in your mood?

Is your focus or retention slipping?

Possibly, you're experiencing unusual dips in confidence?

You may simply know that it's time for a change...

And you're not sure how or where to access the right support

Welcome to the safety & sanctuary of your very own 90-day coaching experience to Spark The Change

Spark The Change gives you peace of mind to regain your personal power & influence with personalised support.

This 90-day experience is a proven programme designed to boost your vitality and regain your calm, confidence & composure.

It's built to flex around you, your busy life, providing the support you need, when you need it.


£9997.00 plus VAT

The Three C's of

Spark The Change


You get clear on your baseline of your emotional, physical & psychological health, creating a picture of exactly what's going well (and what's not!)

You'll get laser focused on what you want to achieve over the next 90 days, anchoring why this is important to you.

Common areas clients begin working on include:

  • Relationships at work & home
  • Nutrition, hydration & movement
  • Promotion or career switch
  • Rest, relaxation & self care
  • Communication skills
  • Mindset
  • Career
  • Sleep


As human beings, our hormones are constantly fluctuating.

We experience several regular shifts physically, emotionally & psychologically.

You'll have time to reflect on how you are responding and adapting, notice how your priorities are evolving and develop strategies to course correct, as needed.

We will explore:

  • Self sabotage
  • Communication styles and preferences
  • Boundaries
  • Self Care
  • The power of saying 'no' and 'not now'

and look at the impacts of hormonal changes


This is the point in the programme that you really start putting yourself first - without guilt - and reaping the benefits!

Putting yourself first, enables you to give more to literally everything and everyone in your life.

Through this experience, you will steadily declutter all areas of your life - digitally, physically, relationships and more.

You will have more space and time to focus on your true priorities.

This is where the magic really begins.

As you get laser focussed on the life you want to create, you'll start to notice how much simpler it is than you first thought

Following the Three C's

No matter where you are on your leadership or entrepreneurial journey, whether preparing for the next step up, or stepping out to pursue another dream, Spark The Change WILL support you all the way.

You'll be gaining:

  • New techniques to stay calm and focussed
  • Taking control of your vitality and presence
  • A clear mind
  • An ability to easily recall information & have great concentration
  • A huge surge in energy levels and increased sleep quality
  • Unshakeable belief in yourself
  • Clarity on the what and how to create the life you desire

The Details

Spark The Change

This is for you if you'd love to work one to one and are eager to boost your vitality, increase your influence at home, work & beyond and step fully into your personal power.

  • Bespoke Coaching and Mentoring sessions
  • Accountability
  • Build your confidence and plan your future

Sample Modules:

  • Goal Setting and how to change your state in five minutes or less
  • Get crystal clear on which parts of your life are you neglecting & what needs to be nourished?
  • Relaxation, breathing and other 'Martini Exercises' (you can do any time, any place, anywhere!)
  • Choosing foods that boost your energy, rather than sapping it!
  • Honouring hunger and fullness to balance your mood (& weight - this is a diet free zone!)
  • Using Mental Rehearsal to create your future goals and eliminating Self Sabotage
  • Why falling in love - with yourself - and putting yourself first is your secret sauce to boosting your joy
  • Stepping into your Personal Power
  • Claiming your vitality and influence at home, work and beyond
  • Setting yourself up for success for your next 90 days


From £9997.00 plus VAT

Enquire NOW

I loved and benefitted from the focus and clarity Lauren provided on menopause and what it is doing to me from both a mental and physical perspective.

That understanding coupled with her tips and advice has helped me step out of my safety zone and achieve a promotion"

Alison A, Head of Transformation

Step into your personal power & influence faster.

You deserve this!

Clients say that Spark The Change was exactly what they needed to regain their sense of calm, focus and confidence.

Secure your spot today to step into your vitality and personal power!

"Just wanted to say thank you for talking some things through with me yesterday. It was so helpful and has been incredibly thought-provoking.

It has certainly had an impact as I suddenly feel that I have permission to be me and not be apologetic for using up oxygen"

- Ann L, Emergency Medical Dispatcher

"You are a clear mentor to me and I am ever grateful to you for your support and guidance during my menopause, without you I simply wouldn’t be and have, access to the amazing bubble of sparkle that is within"

- Hazel N, Director

Why I became your specialist menopause coach...

"You are walking around this place as if you have the weight of the world on your shoulders," he said. "Not exactly befitting of a senior leader in the business, is it? Something for you to think about when you go home this evening."

I was shocked. I'd just received great recognition for delivering a spectacular piece of transformation for the business and my bonus the previous week.

Whatever self-confidence and self-esteem I had left, all but dissipated as I walked out of my boss's office that day.

I was really starting to feel paranoid. I had no idea what was going wrong. All I knew, was that I no longer had the support of my closest ally in the business and I was too worried to raise my concerns elsewhere.

I felt very alone. As the only female in a team of 18 men, I was grateful I'd built a strong team around me, upon whom, I was becoming increasingly dependent.

I was early 40's, had a young child at home with lifelong medical needs at home and a sole parent. I could not risk anything going wrong at work.

The stress I thrived on, working in fast-paced, business-critical change functions suddenly made me anxious instead of excited.

I had two occasions of feeling like I was going to pass out in meetings, my heart thumping, with no idea how to control it. My concentration and memory were shot.

I barely slept and when I did, I woke up drenched in sweat, to the point where I had to change the bedsheets. Ultimately I slept on a series of bath towels as they were easier to change!

My confidence was gone and I had nowhere to turn. I felt very flat, very down and alone.

I booked a week off and took my 8-year-old to Iceland for the week.

We laughed and joked and made snowmen and ate great food, went to the Blue Lagoon and saw the Northern lights, we were so happy.

On the last night, as I tucked my son under his covers and he looked at me through his thick dark brown eyelashes, he said "Mummy, I love playing with you. Can we take happy Mummy back home?"

As he fell asleep, I sat bolt upright in my bed and called my GP, thinking I had early-onset dementia.

Roll forward 5 months, I left my job. My GP told me I had 'just' been through menopause. I have to tell you, I was the happiest menopausal woman in Bristol because I didn't have early-onset dementia.

This is why I continually research menopause and retrained. To help prevent any other woman from going through what I did. It's not necessary. It's entirely preventable. It's what I teach in Spark The Change.